Relationships and Sex Education

NSPCC Talk relationships lesson plans

Working with the PSHE Association, the NSPCC have developed a series of age-appropriate lesson plans and accompanying guidance for teaching young people aged 11-16 about sex and relationships.

Each lesson builds knowledge, understanding and skills on how to negotiate relationships in healthy and safe ways.

There is one overarching teaching guidance document and 14 lesson plans, each of which includes:

  • teaching notes with learning objectives and outcomes
  • a plan with lesson timings, assessments and suggested extension activities
  • slides to display in the classroom
  • printable worksheets to hand out in the classroom.

You can Download all the lesson plans for each age group as one ZIP file, or download individual lessons.

The  supporting Talk Relationships eLearning course will help staff to develop the knowledge and skills to deliver the lessons

Something’s not right

The ‘Something’s not right’ materials are aimed at children and young people who have experienced harm, including sexual and physical abuse, but haven’t received support. The lesson plan is designed to empower all students with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to report concerns about themselves or someone they know, to trusted adults or other appropriate sources of support.

‘Something’s not right’ KS4 Lesson Resources

NSPCC: It’s not OK

It’s not OK helps children and young people recognise concerning behaviour and identify characteristics of positive relationships. The lesson plans, films and accompanying activities cover what behaviour to look out for and how to respond to it.

It’s Not OK reinforces the importance of building and maintaining positive relationships and recognising and responding to behaviour relating to:

  • online safety
  • grooming
  • sexting
  • harmful sexual behaviour
  • child sexual abuse
  • child sexual exploitation.

The films have a suggested lesson plan with activities for young people to complete to help them understand the issues that are raised.

Love life: Resources for young people with learning difficulties

Helping young people explore topics such as emotions, relationships and identity

The films and supporting resources are aimed at young people aged 11 to 25 to help them learn strategies for staying safe as they grow up and gain independence.

They enable adults to start conversations with young people about:

  • feelings
  • privacy and boundaries
  • friendship
  • different kinds of love
  • online safety.

Sexually exploitative relationships – Youth and policing education hub

A resource package aimed at encouraging children to recognise child sexual exploitation. CSE forms part of the broader context of RSE carried out within schools and no standalone package can encompass that remit within a standard 60-minute lesson. This package is tailored to exploitative sexual relationships and assumes other lessons about healthy relationships have taken place beforehand.

Disrespect nobody

These discussion guides and lesson plans support the Home Office Disrespect NoBody campaign, aimed at preventing abuse in teenage relationships. They’re designed to help pupils understand and maintain healthy relationships, learn about consent and how to deal with controlling behaviour, violence and abuse.

The resource also focuses on developing key skills and attributes intrinsic to healthy relationships – such as empathy, respect, communication and negotiation.

The Reward Foundation

The Reward foundation provide free lessons on sexting and internet pornography


DO….RSE is no longer supported by Durex, but the secondary teaching resources can be found here

CEOP Talks relationships

CEOP Talks Relationships, is a 6 week campaign helping teachers to educate and support young people in building healthy relationships.

Respecting me, you, us: building healthy relationships and creating positive cultures

A series of 8 lesson plans and five short situational films which aim to help 12-14 year olds to develop a better understanding of healthy relationships and how to challenge unhealthy behaviours and social norms.

Send me a pic? Three sessions for 11-14 year olds on issues around nude image sharing

Send me a pic? is a CEOP Education resource on the consensual and non-consensual sharing of nude images among young people. Send me a pic? consists of three sessions containing seven films depicting fictional online chats.


Exploited is an 18-minute film which educates young people to identify features of an exploitative friendship or relationship in contrast with the development of a healthy relationship and gives them clear information about how to report abuse and access support.


Stonewall provide a range of free resources to support schools with LGBTQ+ inclusivity education.

Consent School’s pack

Free practical resource pack for professionals / teachers working with 14-18 year olds offering advice and activities to explore about consent, Peer and partner pressure coercion and rape– Some of the information is dated now, but the lesson plans might be helpful.

BBC Relationships and Sex Education Resources

These BBC classroom resources have been created to support teachers, in response to the changes in the statutory RSE guidance in England from September 2020.

Due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter, the BBC strongly advise teacher viewing before watching with students.

Brook RSE resources

Brook provide a variety of free resources including videos on how different forms of contraception work and videos of young people talking about issues such as consent.


These resources build on research and development work that was done in relation to boys and young men but gender-neutral language is used as far as possible, to allow them to be used by practitioners working with young people of any gender. The resources in the pack are designed primarily for use with young people aged 13-21 and Whilst this work often focuses on intimate or sexual relationships, these conversations are also important in relation to all the personal relationships that young people will have, including friendships.

ClickView Respectful and Intimate Relationships

Two series designed for senior secondary students and their teachers explores challenging and important issues surrounding respectful relationships, including sexual harassment, domestic violence, misogyny in pornography, pornography versus reality, and the sharing of intimate images.

Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing

 BBC Mental health resources

To support your class and promote the importance of mental wellbeing the BBC have created this collection of resources for use with both primary and secondary students.

DEAL (Developing Emotional Awareness and Listening)

The Samaritans have produced This free teaching resource for students 14+ which includes sections on what we mean by Mental Health, coping strategies, dealing with feelings and connecting with others.

Every Mind Matters

Free PSHE resources that support upper primary and secondary school teachers when promoting positive health, wellbeing and resilience among young people aged 11 to 16.  Lessons include bullying, sleep, puberty, online stress, exam stress, body image and forming positive relationships.

Stride lesson plans

These lesson plans for KS3 and KS4 include relationships, managing change, social media, peer pressure, loss and bereavement, sexting, sleep, body image and exam stress.

Dove: Confident Me

Confident Me is a set of evidence-based resources for teachers and schools aimed at 11-14 year olds to promote adolescent body confidence.

A World of Difference – Recognising and challenging stereotypes of visible difference

This resource will:

  • Help students recognise and challenge stereotypes of visible difference through examples, activities and discussion.
  • Encourage students to develop understanding, empathy and celebrate difference.

The teacher guidance and accompanying slides will support delivery of rights-based approaches to learning, as well as statutory RSHE content on respectful friendships/relationships, caring friendships and online relationships/media.

Time to Change

Time to Change have a range of resources for secondary schools aimed at challenging stigma and discrimination.

Educate against hate

Educate against hate has Resources and lesson ideas about fundamental British values which stimulate debate and discussion,

University of Bristol HPV Educate resource

Co-produced by young people and researchers from the University of Bristol and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, ‘EDUCATE’ will help teach students about the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and provide reassurance about receiving the vaccine — which is usually offered to teenagers at school as part of the national vaccination programme.

PSHE Association – Promoting resilience to gambling

Help your students understand and manage gambling risks with these lessons and guidance

Online blackmail education resource for 15-18 year olds

Helps young people gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to identify risk and seek help There’s a session plan, worksheets and slides designed to be used across a range of settings.

Media Smart

Media Smart provides free secondary teaching resources on subjects like social media, body image and influencer marketing.

#LiveSkills: resources

Support children and young people to understand the features of live streaming and the specific risks children and young people can face with Thinkuknow’s package of resources for children and young people aged 8 – 18.

British Heart Foundation CPR Kit

FREE teaching materials  to support young people learn CPR skills.

 Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco

 PSHE Association lesson plans

KS3 and 4 lesson plans to support Drug and Alcohol education.

safe4me drug education resources

safe4me is designed as a toolkit to support teachers to deliver information to pupils specific to the Law, Consequences and Personal Safety.

The resources in this toolkit are designed to be flexible and adaptable to meet individual needs, suitability and time; adaptable for KS3, KS4 and Post 16, they can be used in one or across multiple lessons.

There is vast range of valuable resources made available by a host of other organisations, providing advice and materials to support work relating to this topic.

PHE Alcohol lesson plan pack

Use this lesson plan, PowerPoint and accompanying videos to explore with your class the reasons why some young people choose to drink alcohol, and the impact this can have on their health, wellbeing and overall lifestyle.

Using peer-to-peer discussion, scenarios and videos, students will be encouraged to identify and assess the risks associated with underage or irresponsible drinking, and how to deal with pressure from peers.

Know the score

Know the score is the first national evidence-based resource on alcohol and drugs for 15-18yrs. It is developed in partnership between public health and education professionals. The resource is aimed at engaging young people in exploring and considering a wide range of topics related to the risks associated with alcohol and drugs.

The overall aim of the resource is to enable young people to make conscious and informed decisions about alcohol and drugs.

The resource contains 14 lesson plans addressing alcohol and drug use using interactive and experiential teaching methodologies The training being offered will support teachers to deliver this programme in their schools.

Vaping Resources 

These resources are designed to help carers and educators, to have evidence-based conversations and enable children and young people to make informed decisions about smoking and vaping.

  • A short, animated film which can be used in PSHE lessons, form times and assemblies, to start discussions.
  • A set of PowerPoint slides ready for use by teachers in the classroom alongside the animated film to guide discussions and a notes page.


 The Economist Educational Foundation

Each week, the Economist publishes news resources that many schools embed within their PSHE lessons. Designed by teachers, these sessions help students think critically in an age of fake news and tackle the big stories in depth.

The PSHE lessons cover specific criteria within the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study for Key Stage 2 / Key Stage 3 and particularly focus on ‘Living in the wider world’ and ‘Relationships.’

Red Cross secondary teaching resources

These free teaching resources help young people aged 11 to 19 to examine the world around them from a humanitarian perspective and learn about topics related to the work of the Red Cross.

These curriculum-linked activities, session plans and teaching packages are ideal for subjects such as PSHE, Citizenship, Geography, History and informal learning time. Learners gain new perspectives, develop new life skills and develop understanding, values and critical thinking.

We would be delighted to hear about any other free PSHE resources that you have found helpful.  Please let us know by emailing