How we can help you stop smoking
Stopping smoking is the single most important thing a smoker can do to improve their health. All our advisors at Smokefree North Somerset are experienced, specially trained and are experts in helping you to stop smoking.

Our support:
- Free behavioural support, for 12 weeks, either over the phone or face to face. Our advisors will give advice on changing routines, nicotine addiction, withdrawal symptoms, medications and help you to plan for success.
- Free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or vape and e-liquids* for 12 weeks, to help you manage any cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
- A recommendation letter to your GP for stop smoking prescription medication – your GP will then assess your suitability for the medication.
- NRT is sent to a local pharmacy for you to collect.
- Discount codes for you to purchase a vape and e-liquids for free via an online store and delivered to your home address.

- To commit to a quit date within the first 2 weeks of starting the support programme and agree to not smoke after that date.
- Attend appointments either face to face or over the phone.
- Collect your stop smoking products and use it.
- Let us know if you cannot attend your appointment.

We have drop-in sessions available on:
- Tuesdays 12pm – 2pm at We are super studios, The Sovereign, High Street Weston-super-Mare.
- Fridays 2pm – 4pm at the For All Healthy Living Centre, 68 Lonsdale Avenue Weston-super-Mare.
- Or you can book an appointment with our Health Lifestyles Team at the Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, W-s-M.
Phone appointments
- Daily from 9-5pm (Mon-Fri) with Smokefree North Somerset’s specialist advisors.

Call us: 01274 546744
Text: HELP to 07800 001316
Email us:
* those aged under 18 are not eligible for the vape kit and e-liquid offer however NRT can be provide to those aged 12+.