Get Active Pass
Our Get Active Pass offers five free and five half price access to North Somerset Leisure Centres during off peak times.
If you have registered for our 12-week Get Active pathway of support from a Healthy Lifestyles Advisor, you could be eligible for a Get Active Pass. You will be required to attend weekly or fortnightly appointments with a Healthy Lifestyles Advisor.
For further information about Get Active support from a Healthy Lifestyles Advisor
Residents who already visit the leisure centres on a regular basis are not eligible for the Get Active Pass and if you have received a Get Active Pass in the previous two years you are not eligible for any further passes. Unfortunately we are unable to re-issue passes that have not been used.
Under 18’s
Under 18’s are not eligible for Healthy Lifestyles Advisor support, however some local practitioners are able to refer children and young people for a Get Active Pass, providing they meet eligibility criteria. For further about this please email:
Leisure Centres where the Get Active Pass can be used
- Backwell leisure centre
- Hutton Moor leisure centre (Weston-super-Mare)
- Parish Wharf leisure centre (Portishead)
- Scotch Horn leisure centre (Nailsea)
- Strode leisure centre (Clevedon)
For further information about our North Somerset leisure centres