Physical Activity Strategy for North Somerset

We want North Somerset to be a place where everyone has the opportunity to be physically active and move more whether that’s through everyday activity or participation in formal sports and fitness groups or classes.

We want to create opportunities to increase physical activity levels for all residents and communities supporting physical and mental health and reducing inequalities in health, connecting and strengthening our communities and the local economy.

We are developing a joint Physical Activity Strategy which will outline our priorities and plans for improving physical activity provision and opportunities.

Tell us what you think

We invite you to complete our consultation to share your views, there is a residents consultation which will focus on general questions about your physical activity levels. There is also a physical activity providers consultation and targeted consultation taking place with schools, town and parish councils and other key stakeholders with an interest in physical activity.

Please note that the residents and providers consultation has now closed. 

Aim of the consultation

To develop a joint Physical Activity Strategy which will outline our priorities and plans for improving physical activity provision and opportunities.

What will happen to the results?

We will use the information collected from the residents and organisations consultations to identify themes that will help shape the Physical Activity Strategy for North Somerset which will be published in late 2023.

Links to other relevant strategies

Sport and Leisure Facilities Strategy

Health and Wellbeing Strategy

For further information
