Active Weston
Active Weston overview
Active Weston is a group of local stakeholders who recognise the benefits of physical activity, by supporting the work of the One Weston, Worle and Villages locality in reducing health inequalities across the geographical area. Active Weston is a sub-group of One Weston, Worle and Villages locality and work will feed into other locality sub groups: Start Well, Live Well, Age Well.
Sport and physical activity plays a key role in improving the health and wellbeing of One Weston, Worle and Villages residents, as well as developing stronger and safer communities, contributing to economic prosperity, increasing skills, reducing our carbon footprint and increasing personal confidence and self-esteem.
Active Weston Vision
Our vision is that the Weston, Worle and Villages (WWV) community is encouraged and supported to move more with a focus on the inactive population. We strive to contribute towards reducing health inequalities that currently exist across the locality, through the power of movement, physical activity and sport, enabling all residents to be active across the life course.
Active Weston Objectives
Objectives: | Priorities (linked to objectives): |
1.) To ensure physical activity is embedded within the local health and care system
1.1 For the work under this Active Weston network to support all the workstreams of Start Well, Live Well and Age Well, feed directly back into the One Weston, Worle and Villages Locality |
1.2 For Physical Activity to feature within current locality plans for Community Mental Health Framework (CMHF) and Ageing Well | |
1.3 Focus on ensuring that physical activity is included as a referral option within the (type 2) diabetes pathway, hypertension pathway and any other pathways where physical activity can have a preventative / reversal impact | |
1.4 Expand the physical activity offer listed on Remedy / Elemental / Ask My GP / One Weston locality website / Pier Health website and other signposting platforms used by Health Care Professionals | |
1.5 Link with commissioned weight management support, physical activity is part of this multi component offer | |
1.6 To grasp the opportunity presented by the location of the new GP Surgery at Weston Rugby Club | |
1.7 To consider the local Health and Social Care system. Identify opportunities to embed physical activity into care home settings and take a proactive approach to frailty | |
2.) To adopt an asset-based approach to engage with communities most in need
2.1 Utilise the Together Fund (Sport England fund managed by Wesport) to support local community organisations to reach inactive groups |
2.2 Scale up existing community programmes e.g. Health Walks, Park Play, Play Your Way, Park Run, led by the community. | |
2.3 Engage with key community venues (Big Worle, For All HLC and YMCA). | |
2.4 Identify assets and resources within the locality for physical activity | |
2.5 Deliver Contain Outbreak Management Fund Physical Activity Projects Go4Free and Sportarray | |
3.) To measure the impact of physical activity in a consistent way | 3.1 Increase the number of physical activity prescriptions from PCN funded Social Prescribing link workers and Second Step Recovery Navigators (measured via Elemental) |
3.2. Build on the Active Lives Survey locally to measure increased physical activity levels and other health improvements as a result of increased physical activity levels, such as mental wellbeing. | |
3.3. Focus on process evaluation – engagement / relationship building | |
3.4 Increase the number of residents supported to Get Active via the Healthy Lifestyles Advisors (Better Health North Somerset) | |
4.) To ensure we have a Health System workforce that champions physical activity
4.1 Expand delivery of the Clinical Champions Training / Raising Awareness of Physical Activity workshop to Health Care Professional groups e.g. practice nurses, community settings, Integrated Mental Health Team, Virtual hub. |
4.2 Health Care Professionals are using Moving Medicine (Website) as a tool to support patients to get active. | |
4.3 Practices in the Weston locality pledge to become an Active Practice and/or Park Run Practice | |
5.) To ensure we have a supportive physical activity sector to meet the needs of our inactive population | 5.1 Support local physical activity providers to offer ‘entry level’ / beginner provision to inactive population groups. |
5.2 Provide training and resources to help support local physical activity providers in welcoming / being inclusive of those with particular needs. | |
5.3 Support the development of updating an active directory of physical activity opportunities locally, including those suitable for social prescribing. | |
6.) To ensure we encourage an Active Environment to support physical activity opportunities. | 6.1 Focus on encouraging Active Travel – links to Walking and Cycling community wide programmes such as education, training and promotional activity (e.g. Bikeabilty, Wheels to Work). |
6.2 Link local physical activity provision to the Green Social Prescribing funding, Green infrastructure funding and North Somerset Council’s rewilding scheme. | |
6.3 To ensure local parks and open spaces are encouraging people to be active, linking with local offers. | |
6.4 Deliver a programme of active travel improvements that normalise and prioritise and address safety including; 20mph, Liveable Neighbourhoods, walking and cycling strategic infrastructure and missing Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) links. | |
6.5 Focus on School Streets and school travel plans to encourage daily activity. |
Active Weston Membership
- North Somerset Council, representatives from each directorate: Public Health and Regulatory Services, Adults Directorate, Children’s Directorate, Place Directorate (Transport and Leisure/Open Spaces), Corporate (Policy and Partnerships, Placemaking)
- Wesport – Active Partnership
- Voluntary Action North Somerset (VANS)
- Weston, Worle and Villages (NHS Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire ICB)
- Pier Health Primary Care Network
- Social Prescribing Service (CANS and Alliance)
- Age UK Somerset
- Sirona Health and Care
- Second Step
- Alliance Homes
- Curo
- Weston Town Council
- Somerset Cricket Foundation
- Weston College
- Super Weston
Further Information
For further information about Active Weston please contact either of the joint chairs:
Rebecca Stathers – Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyles Manager, North Somerset Council
Lisa Wood – Senior Manager (Health & Physical Activity), Wesport