Support and information on breastfeeding, bottle feeding and introducing solids to your baby.

Early Years Public Health Specialist

Tamsyn Grant

01275 888 202

    Breastfeeding Support in North Somerset 

    There are lots of ways to access friendly breastfeeding support in North Somerset. Midwives, health visitors and local trained peer supporters are here to help you. They can give you lots of information and support if you need it.  

    Infant feeding information 

    There is lots of information available about feeding and caring for your baby in our feeding and caring for baby leaflet library.

    Your Children’s Centre will also have hard copies of all of these leaflets if you need them. 

    You can also visit our ‘breastfeeding your baby – video library’ to hear real mothers’ stories. Find out how to get started with breastfeeding, positioning and attachment tips, how to hand express and practical answers to the common problems. Solid FoodSupporting you to feed your baby.Find out more about 'Introducing Solid Food'Save Introducing Solid Food to favourites

    Information Feeding tagsEat Well tagsIntroducing Solid FoodSupporting you to feed your baby.Find out more about 'Introducing Solid Food'Save Introducing Solid Food to favourites

