Ageing Well Exercise Classes

Active Adults tagsActive Adults tagsBeing Active with a Long Term Health Condition tags

If you’re an older adult looking to join an exercise class, then why not try an Ageing Well class with Age UK Somerset?

Age UK class

Physical activity helps you stay healthy, active and independent as you get older and it’s not all about high impact exercise – it’s about finding something that’s right for you. Age UK Somerset and North Somerset’s Ageing Well service delivers a wide range of fun and friendly exercise sessions in North Somerset, including general fitness classes, Yoga, Tai Chi, Movement to Music, Flexercise and strength and balance classes called ‘Strong and Steady’.  They also offer a variety of online classes, live via zoom, which you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Age Uk - hands up

If you want to…

-get fitter

-feel better

-meet new people and have some fun

…call Age UK Somerset for a chat about classes in your area.

Call: 01823 345 624 or email:

Ageing Well classes are delivered in partnership with North Somerset Council.

Strong and steady

If you have lost confidence in your balance or are feeling less steady on your feet, please contact the Falls Prevention team, who deliver their ‘Strong and Steady’ classes.

Call 01823 345614 or email

You will need to fill in a brief health questionnaire and they can help you find a class that’s right for you.

Watch a video about the classes we deliver on our website

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Class timetable

View a list of classes on the Age UK Somerset website.

Please contact Age UK Somerset before attending to ensure the class is running on that day.