Breastfeeding and Parenting – Bookshelf

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We’ve hand-picked a great selection of books for you, and they are all available to borrow at North Somerset Libraries.

You’ll find books on breastfeeding and specialist titles on other topics including sleep and introducing solid foods.

There’s also a great selection of children’s books which feature images of breastfeeding and help you talk to your child about breastfeeding or having a new baby in the family.

You can become a member of North Somerset libraries by completing the online form, you will then need to visit your local library with some I.D to obtain your membership card and be able to borrow books.

You can search for the book title in the library catalogue or click on the book titles below which will take you to North Somerset Library catalogue.

These books can help answer your breastfeeding and parenting questions and support you with evidence-based information on what to expect along the way.

Follow us on Instagram for more details on books and events.

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Other infant feeding topics


Introducing solid foods




Responsive parenting


Children’s books