Eating Well with Health Conditions

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Allergies UK is a leading national patient charity for people living with all types of allergy. Their website provides information to help people who live with allergies, including fact sheets, allergy translation cards and a helpline.  

Find useful information on the Allergies UK website

Coeliac diets

Coeliac UK is the charity for people who need to live without gluten providing advice and support so people can live well, gluten free. Their website has tools to help with understanding food labelling, cross contamination at home and what to look out for when eating out.  

Find useful tools and tips on the Coeliac UK website

Food and diabetes

Diabetes is a serious condition where your blood glucose level is too high. There are two main types, Type 1 and Type 2. They’re different conditions, but they’re both serious. Diabetes UK works prevent Type 2 diabetes, campaign for and support everyone affected by diabetes, and fund research. Their Learning Zone has videos, quizzes, interactive tools and free courses. 

Visit the Diabetes UK website for interactive tools and free courses

Food and Cancer

World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has 10 cancer prevention recommendations.

WCRF has practical and simple advice which is based on the latest scientific research about how to prevent cancer.  

Visit their website to find out what lifestyle changes we can make to reduce our risk of getting cancer.

Food and irritable bowel syndrome

NHS dietitians have provided a video guide about managing IBS symptoms covering general diet tips for IBS, advice on certain types of food, like dairy and gluten, basics of the low FODMAP diet and allergy testing.

NHS video guide on managing IBS symptoms

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diet : Food Fact Sheet’s from the British Dietetic Association