GP Exercise Referral Scheme – Hutton Moor Leisure Centre

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Hutton Moor Leisure Centre in Weston-super-Mare offer an exercise on referral scheme.

Benefits of the scheme

The aim of the sessions is to encourage anyone with a *medical condition to become more physically active and have an increased sense of wellbeing.  Other benefits of the scheme include:

●  Improved health and mobility
●  An exercise program tailored to meet individual needs
●  A chance to meet new people
●  A safe environment with friendly staff
●  In some cases, a reduction in the need for medication


The sessions are held in the gym and are supervised by a qualified GP referral instructor.  A gym session will last up to a maximum of 1 hour and participants are able to attend anytime during the allotted time. Sessions run for 6 weeks, with two gym sessions available each week (a total of 12 gym sessions).  The programme can be extended if a participant was to miss a number of sessions thus ensuring all 12 sessions are completed in full.

The programme includes basic health checks, if required, which can include weight and measurements (chest, waist, hips, arms and thighs).  These will be taken at the start, half way through and at the end of the 12 gym sessions.  Blood pressure is also taken (as required) at the start of every session and is logged on individual programme cards.

If the participant successfully completes their gym programme, the GP referral instructor will sign them off.  This enables them to continue using the gym facilities unsupervised either as a full member or on a pay as you go basis.

Programme costs

Participants can pay as they go or in a block booking for the 6-week program (12 sessions) in advance. At the end of the program a reduced rate membership is available.

Pay as you go: £5.80 per session
Block booking: £58.20, total of 12 sessions
GP referral membership on completion of the 12 sessions: £27 per month

On completion of the 12 sessions all referral participants will be encouraged to attend outside of the GP referral group sessions.

For further information

Telephone: 01934 425900

If you are struggling to get through on the phone, please use the above email address.

Medical conditions

*Medical conditions include: Obesity, Hypertension, Hypercholesterolaemia, Diabetes Type 1 & 2, Stress or mild anxiety, Mild or moderate depression, Mild skeletal and muscular injuries, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Fibromyalgia and Back pain.