Multicultural Food

Eat Well tagsEat Well tags

Find out more about the South Asian and African and Caribbean Eatwell plates.

South Asian Eatwell Plate

A South Asian Eatwell plate has been developed to give a more visual representation of the South Asian diets. 

Find the South Asian Eatwell plate here


An African and Caribbean Eatwell plate has been created by The Diverse Nutrition Association.

Download the African and Caribbean Eatwell plate here


The British Heart Foundation app and website

The British Heart Foundation app and website has great recipe finder for people with high cholesterol, high blood pressure and/or diabetes. You can filter the recipes into which cuisine you want to find e.g., South Asian, Chinese, African Caribbean, Nordic, etc. 

BBC Food

BBC Food has recipes from around the world, so you can go globe-trotting from your kitchen.