Physical Activity Network Event – funding focus

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Attend our second Physical Activity Network Event of 2024, aimed at not for profit organisations, community groups, sports clubs and physical activity providers.

When: Tuesday 19 November 2024, 6.30-7.30pm

Where: Castlewood, Tickenham Road, Clevedon, BS21 6BD

The network event will cover information about local and national funding available to not-for-profit groups, sports clubs, physical activity providers and community groups who are able to support delivery of Get Active – a Physical Activity Strategy for North Somerset and the associated action plan.

Note: The primary focus of your group / organisation does not need to focus on physical activity or sport to attend this event, we welcome any organisations that can use physical activity as a tool to support positive outcomes.

To reserve your place please complete and submit the details below, we will then be in contact with further details.

If you have any specific questions in the meantime please email: