Physical Activity Training

Physical Activity tagsPhysical Activity tags

Training and eLearning for Practitioners and Health Professionals


Raising awareness of physical activity workshop

Locally we can offer this free workshop to groups of professionals, content includes; physical activity benefits and recommendations, risks of inactivity, inactivity statistics, why we are inactive, making every contact count, motivational interviewing, local provisions to get active.  1 in 4 people would be more active if recommended by a health professional, if you would like further information or to book on the next workshop email


Physical activity clinical champions training

Free face to face or online, interactive training delivered by an Health Care Professional, total time 1 hour – 1.5 hours.
Increase your knowledge, skills and confidence around the benefits of physical activity for the prevention of long-term conditions. Gain confidence in your ability to talk about physical activity with patients.
For further information or to book please email: and


Physical activity training for workplaces and employees

Wesport provide three different short courses for workplaces focussed on physical activity:

View further information about the Wesport short courses


Physical activity and health e-learning course

The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) has created a longer-length physical activity and health e-learning course to help healthcare professionals to champion physical activity across the life course. The course covers the science, the UK Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines, the underpinning evidence base and how to incorporate physical activity into daily clinical care. It also includes a resource on motivational interviewing.


Physical activity modules from BMJ

BMJ Learning have published 8 modules on physical activity in the treatment of long-term conditions, as well as one on motivational interviewing in brief consultations.


Moving healthcare professionals programme

OHID provides free peer training and online resources to healthcare professionals, via the Moving Healthcare Professionals Programme, to empower them with the skills and confidence to have quality conversations with patients about physical activity.


Aquatic Activity and Swimming for Health


Active Mums

Being active during pregnancy and beyond brings with it a host of physical and mental benefits, including a reduction in hypertensive disorders, lower gestational weight gain, a reduction in the risk of developing gestational diabetes, and a reduction in depression, improved emotional wellbeing and a quicker return to pre-pregnancy weight in the postpartum period.

However, many healthcare professionals don’t regularly have conversations about physical activity with this population group.

In response, Moving Medicine, This Girl Can and The Active Pregnancy Foundation have teamed up to provide a suite of the most useful training and resources, based on feedback from GPs, midwives and health visitors, to arm healthcare professionals such as yourself with the knowledge and confidence to proactively hold these conversations.


Nature Connectedness

This online course provides an opportunity for you to learn about Nature Connectedness and the value of having a strong relationship with nature. Made up of eight short units, the course encourages you to actively consider our relationships with nature, for our own well-being as well as for the longer-term benefit of nature and the natural world.


Become a volunteer Health Walk leader

View information about becoming a volunteer Health Walk leader