Sustainable Diets

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Tips for a more sustainable diet 

  • Eat more fruit, vegetables, beans, and pulses  
  • Limit red meat consumption to no more than 70g (cooked) per person per day – find out what kind of foods 70g of red meat looks like 
  • Eat what is in season  
  • Buy local produce 
  • Where possible, grow your own food
  • Cut down on plastic packaging  
  • Reduce your food waste at home (About 70% of food is wasted in the home, try these tips from Love Food Hate Waste) 
  • Make responsible seafood choices (search for labels such as MSC and ASC 
  • Cut down on processed foods high in fat, sugar, and salt (HFSS foods) 
  • If you choose to use organic, plant–based products such as oat, soya, or rice milks and yogurts – make sure they are fortified with added calcium and iodine