Walk and Talk Befriending Service

Walking tagsWalking tags

Would you like to be more active and go out for a stroll, at your own pace, with a friendly volunteer to keep you company?

Age UKs Active Befriending Walk and Talk service can help.

Who is the service for?
Anyone over 60 in the Somerset and North Somerset area who wishes to take part (depending on availability of local volunteers), with priority given to those who live alone.

What does the Active Befriending service offer?
After clients have registered they will be matched with a suitable volunteer (depending of course on availability in that area).  Then over an initial 8 week period, clients will be called for by the volunteer each week, who will then take them out for a short walk starting from (and returning to) the client’s home.

How can I apply for the Active Befriending service?
Get in touch by calling 01823 345625 or emailing activebefriending@ageuksomerset.org.uk and they will send you a form to complete and return by post or email.


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