Walk Leader Training

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Volunteer with Health Walks to make new friends, give back to your community, and help others to be more active and reap the health and wellbeing benefits walking has to offer.
Walk leaders

Typically, a walk requires a leader and backmarker, but there are lots of other roles that are equally important. Your role during a walk depends on what you feel most able and comfortable to do.

Previous experience isn’t necessary as volunteers get training before starting their role. All new walk leaders will be supported by experienced leaders and given time to learn the existing routes.

There is no expectation of time commitment – you can volunteer as little as an hour per month, or more frequently. There are many different walks throughout the week including weekends and summer evening walks.

North Somerset Health Walks are in many areas across the area. Existing walks include Churchill and Cheddar, Clevedon, Long Ashton, Portishead,  Nailsea, Weston-super-Mare, Winscombe, Worle and Yatton.

Volunteering with Health Walks will give you the opportunity to keep fit, meet new people and get out in the fresh air. You’ll also be helping us to get more people out enjoying the countryside and keeping active.

All Health Walks volunteers start by attending a four hour training session. Once this is completed, you’ll be advised to join an active health walk group and shadow an existing walk leader/backmarker and then progress onto co-leading a walk.

There is no obligation to become a walk leader and plan the routes. Some of our volunteers find that they prefer to serve as a mid or backmarker and encourage, motivate and socialise with participants.

Support is available during this time from fellow volunteers and the Public Health team.  There is also the opportunity to obtain basic First Aid training.

The next Health Walk Leader training is on Wednesday 21 May 2025, from 10am to 1pm. Please contact us if you are interested in attending on: 01275 882 730 or email: getactive@n-somerset.gov.uk

Walk leader training poster May 25 (PDF, 146 KB)