Weight Management Training

Weight Management tagsWeight Management tags

Training and eLearning for Practitioners and Health Professionals


Promoting healthy weight in pre-school children

Liverpool John Moores University provides an online resource with 9 modules and a resource bank. It includes communicating with parents about child weight, behaviour change, why weight matters, assessing weight in young children, infant and child nutrition, physical activity and sedentary behaviour, nutrition, physical activity and weight during pregnancy, cultural considerations, roles and responsibilities.



Healthy Weight Coach e-learning

This is an opportunity for professionals working locally to support residents to achieve a healthier weight by training to become a healthy weight coach.

A healthy weight coach will engage and support people living with overweight or obesity to help them make positive changes to their health and health behaviours to promote a healthier weight. You will be well-placed to signpost or, where appropriate, refer residents to our local weight management programmes.

Supporting people to move towards a healthier weight can have important benefits to the health and wellbeing of the individual seeking support, as well as reducing ill-health related to overweight and obesity.

On completion of the elearning programme, you will have the skills and confidence to have meaningful conversations to support people to move towards a healthier weight.

Healthy Weight Coach – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)


Complications of excess weight in children and young people

A suite of universal elearning resources is now available to support professionals working with children and young people living with obesity. The foundation level training can help upskill clinicians working within Complications from Excess Weight (CEW) clinics and enables a standardised approach to service provision across the country.

Improving care for children and young people living with excess weight – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)

Catalogue (learninghub.nhs.uk)


Food for Life online courses

For early years and schools – including setting up a farm visit, school farmers markets, chicken keeping, get cooking, growing for schools, cooking for primary schools.

Online Training – Food for Life


Supporting those volunteering or working in non-nutritionist roles. Association for Nutrition

Supporting The Wider Workforce (Certified Training) – Association for Nutrition

The wider workforce includes anyone who offers nutrition advice as part of a job/volunteer role they hold:

  • Roles at Levels 1 & 2 of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) e.g. catering assistants, waiting staff, walk leaders
  • Roles at Level 5+ on the Regulated Qualifications, dance leader, exercise instructors, sous chefs.
  • Roles at Levels 3 & 4 of the Public Health Skills and Careers Framework or Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) e.g. community food workers, healthcare assistants, health trainers, nursery nurses, personal trainers, head chefs, gym managers and those on RQF e.g. GPs, anaesthetists, dermatologists, opticians, midwives, podiatrists, practice nurses and pharmacists.


Nutrition courses and training

Nutrition courses & training – Association for Nutrition


All our health modules

For all health and care professionals maximise their contribution towards prevention of ill-health. Includes Adult Obesity, Childhood Obesity, Healthy Eating.

NHSE elfh Hub (e-lfh.org.uk)


Let’s get cooking: How to run practical cooking clubs

This Association of UK Dieticians (BDA) six-module course is aimed at anyone who wants to lead or support cooking activities in the community, schools, prisons or care settings.

Health improvement officers, public health and local authority teams, occupational therapist clinical support workers, early years practitioners, occupational therapy support workers, family workers, school volunteers, teachers, classroom assistants and learning support staff will all benefit, as well as dietitians, dietetic assistants and nutritionists.

BDA Member £80 and Non BDA members £115

Let’s Get Cooking: How to Run Practical Cooking Clubs (bda.uk.com)