We are seeking physical activity providers to join the Go4Free scheme

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We are re-launching the Go4Free Scheme in partnership with Voluntary Action North Somerset (VANS)

Voluntary Action North Somerset (VANS) has partnered with North Somerset Council’s Health Improvement Service to re-launch the Go4Free Scheme across the North Somerset community.  This project is an expansion of the existing Get Active Pass.

This is a two year funded project which aims to increase physical activity participation rates targeting inactive demographics groups as evidenced by the Active Lives Survey Report.

A key aspect of the project is to link with local sport and exercise providers who wish to be part of this scheme and can provide opportunities for non-participants wishing to take up a new activity or return to physical activity.

How the project will be delivered

Referral process – our existing network of Healthy Lifestyles Advisors, Social Prescribers and trusted Partners will refer those not taking part in regular physical activity across North Somerset.

Go4Free card – individuals meeting the criteria who do not take part in regular physical activity are eligible for a card offering five free visits and five half price visits to exercise classes/sport sessions.

Training – Support for providers providing physical activity under this scheme will be available.  This training will focus on sustaining participation and attracting the demographic groups we are targeting to get active.

If you would like to be involved in this project and open up or expand your existing sessions to being referred for physical activity please email VANS at: active@vansmail.org.uk

Physical activity providers who sign up to delivery activity under this scheme will:

  • Gain/attract new participants.
  • Receive funding for every time an individual (who meets the criteria) attends your session with a Go4Free card/voucher to gain free/half price entry. Up to a maximum of £6 per session for five visits and £3 per session for a further five visits.
  • Be entitled to free training – there will be several opportunities per year.
  • Receive free publicity opportunities (online/social media/newsletters/press releases/posters/project specific information).
  • Gain links with a variety of sectors, along with the benefit of sharing of best practices with other providers.

What we need from you – If you would like to become a Go4Free Provider you will need to have:

  • DBS certificate (must have been completed in the last three years and specific to the role being provided).
  • Insurance cover (up to 5 million public liability).
  • Evidence you are qualified to lead the sport or activity being delivered.
  • Evidence you have attended safeguarding training e.g. certificate/letter (if delivering to under 16’s or vulnerable adults).

If you have any further questions regarding the scheme please contact:

Sally Kingston (Physical Activity Coordinator, Voluntary Action North Somerset )

Call: 07985 153182

Email: active@vansmail.org.uk





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