No Wrong Door Anymore!

We want to make services and care better for people who use alcohol and drugs and also have mental health difficulties. To do this, we need your help.

‘No Wrong Door Anymore’
People need trauma-informed, integrated services where there is ‘no wrong door’ and they are directed to the right support for them.
We would like to invite colleagues working in – and people with lived experience of accessing – mental health and substance use services to come along and explore together
what ‘better’ services would really mean in practice.

We think these quotes say it best:

“I thought my partner was going to die while she was ‘hot potatoed’ between substance misuse and crisis mental health services. Until prison saved her life.”

“After five decades of suffering, an organisation really heard me for the first time and immediately took action, that week, and I was saved.”

“I needed someone to really hear me and to pay attention to what was not being said.”

“Let’s try and create a service fit for everyone and not everyone to fit the service.”

North Somerset 
Thursday 30 January, Regency Room, Weston-super-Mare Pier

Tuesday 4 February, Vassall Centre, Fishponds, Bristol

South Gloucestershire 
Tuesday 4 March, Vassall Centre, Fishponds, Bristol

All events are from 10am -3.30pm (arrival from 9.30am).

Each event is about services in that local area –please come along to the event where you live or work, or whichever suits you best: anyone is welcome to join any and all of the events.

There will be refreshments, but please bring your own lunch.

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