I’m humming this, I’m brushing my teeth

A massive well done and thank you to the children at Bournville Primary School and Oldmixon Primary School for this amazing music video, all about brushing your teeth!

The schools in Weston-super-Mare have been part of a pilot toothbrush pack and education scheme called ‘PASTE’ to get children enthusiastic about brushing their teeth. Children have been given toothbrush packs at school and every three to four months they’ve had an assembly reminding them of five key things to remember to brush well:

P = Pea sized blob – use a pea-size blob of fluoride toothpaste

A = Around all surfaces – brush around all the surfaces of all the teeth

S = Spit don’t rinse – spit the toothpaste out but don’t rinse it away

T = Two minutes – brush for two minutes to get the mouth really clean

E = Every day – do this twice everyday

The Better Health North Somerset team wanted to make sure the messages really stuck. So a big thank you goes to Adam, founder of Front Room WSM who enlisted the help of Jack and Jordan. The three of them came along to the assemblies to gather the children’s ideas and together they’ve written this amazing song.

Both Bournville and Oldmixon primary schools continue to inspire toothbrushing by also being part of the highly successful supervised toothbrushing programme delivered by Big Brush Club.