North Somerset Childhood Safety Equipment Fitting Scheme
Many unintentional childhood Injuries occur in the home, where there are risks from falls, poisoning, burns and strangulation.
To minimise the possibility of childhood injuries in the home, North Somerset Council fund a Childhood Safety Equipment Fitting Scheme. It enables Health Visitors and staff from Children’s Centres to refer families with a higher risk of a childhood injury occurring in the home, to an organisation who can fit safety equipment. The equipment fitted includes stair gates, fire guards, cupboard/drawer locks, window restrictors and blind cord cleats.
If you are a Health Visitor or work in a Children’s Centre in North Somerset and would like more information, including a referral form, please contact the healthy early years team on
Health Protection in Early Years and Educational Settings
The UKHSA South West Health Protection are running webinars for health protection in early years and educational settings.
Future dates will be advertised here.
Avon Fire & Rescue provide FREE Home Fire Safety Visits for families with children under 5 .
Please click here to book a FREE home safety visit from Avon Fire & Rescue