5 Ways to Wellbeing
Research shows that there are 5 simple ways to feel happier and improve our wellbeing. Called the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ they are about making conscious and deliberate choices to look after our mental health.
All the 5 ways are free, achieved easily and can apply to everyone – no matter what the circumstances. Most of us will be doing many of the measures already but even small increases in the frequency or trying one new thing can add up to big benefits.
Have a look at the below. Which of the five have you already achieved today, and what else do you think you could do?
People need people. with the people around you, your friends, family and neighbours, at home, in school, at work, or in your local community.
Suggestions – Join local groups, a choir, a book club or sewing club; Arrange a coffee morning with colleagues; Smile and make eye contact with the next person you pass in the street.
Keep Learning
Learning can increase your wellbeing and provide a sense of achievement. Choose something you enjoy and that interests you.
Suggestions – Learn a new recipe or how to play an instrument, learn one new fact a day, Google-search something you are interested to find out more about.
Be Active
Exercising makes you feel good inside and out. Make sure you find an activity you enjoy and that suits your level of ability and fitness.
Suggestions – Get outdoors! Go for a walk on the beach, in the woods, or down your street. Take up dancing or karate or get digging in the garden.
Watch the video 5 ways to get moving and feel better from ‘Mind, the mental health charity’.
Take Notice
Take notice of the world around you. Reflecting on your experiences and how things make you feel helps you to appreciate what matters to you.
Suggestions – Be curious, be in the moment and not the past or future. Catch sight of the beautiful, notice the changing seasons. Remark on the unusual.
Watch the video Take Notice – 5 Ways to Wellbeing from Essex County Council
Giving makes us happier and it’s infectious. So, when everyone’s doing it, we get given more too!
Suggestions – Volunteer your time. Join a community group. Give a compliment, a smile or a word of encouragement to someone.
Watch the video 5 ways to wellbeing from KCSC Communications.