Youth Vaping Support

Stop Smoking tagshealthy young person (12-19yrs) tagsStop Smoking tags

Vaping has been found to be a useful tool to help adults stop smoking, but children and young people should not vape. Below are some resources to help parents/carers and young people find out more about vaping and support to stop.

Smokefree Sheffield have a range of resources designed to help parents/carers and educators, to have evidence-based conversations and enable children and young people to make informed decisions about smoking and vaping.


FRANK website provides honest information about drugs. A good resource for young people to access with information on alcohol, tobacconicotine & vapes and a range of drugs.




The NHS has lots of information on young people and vaping so you can ensure you get the correct information when talking about vaping with your children.




Kooth is a free, safe and anonymous online wellbeing advice and support service for children and young people aged 10-18 years olds or up to 254 years for those with additional needs. The team are available to chat from 12pm-10pm weekdays and 6pm-10pm weekends.




ChatHealth allows students to contact healthcare professionals about a range of issues including emotional health and wellbeing, relationships, smoking, stress and anxiety, self-esteem, bullying, drugs and alcohol and sexual health, however it is not an emergency service.

The service is open on Mondays to Fridays from 9am-5pm, excluding bank holidays. It is available during term times and school holidays.