Healthy Lifestyles Advisors: Lose Weight

Lose Weight tags

The North Somerset Healthy Lifestyles Advisors can support you to Lose Weight with 1-1 and group support available over a duration of 12 weeks.  If you live in North Somerset and would like support to lose weight you can self refer yourself or call us on 01934 427661.

Self Refer

Watch our animation for more information about the help available to you:


Eligibility criteria

You are eligible for healthy lifestyles support to get active, eat well, lose weight and improve liver health if you are aged 18 or more, live in North Somerset and meet the relevant topic based criteria as listed below:

Topic Specific Criteria: Lose Weight

If you would like support to Lose weight you will meet one of the BMI requirements:

  • BMI of 25 or more in adults of Caucasian (White European) origin
  • BMI of 23 or more in adults of Black African, African-Caribbean and Asian origin
  • BMI of 23 or more in adults living with a co-morbidity / long term health condition

Note: you can calculate your BMI at NHS BMI Calculator

Lose Weight eligibility criteria

Anyone not meeting the above resident and lose weight eligibility criteria are not eligible for support from a Healthy Lifestyles Advisor.

Exclusion criteria

  • Severe/moderate frailty as recorded on a frailty register
  • Has a diagnosed eating disorder
  • Has a significant unmanaged co-morbidity
  • Has had bariatric surgery in the last two years


Watch the video below to hear more about the support from our Healthy Lifestyles Advisors: