Home exercise programme for older people

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Start Today Exercise Programme (STEP)

Sirona care & health has developed a new home exercise programme to keep older people moving and ageing well.

One in three people over 65 and half of people over 80 fall every year, and the risk increases as we become older.

This can lead to further health complications, such as being unable to get back up for significant lengths of time, and can also make people afraid to go out.

Research shows keeping moving helps build people’s confidence and stamina, which are key to preventing falls. Moving is therefore crucial when it comes to keeping independent and improving quality of life.

The Start Today Exercise Programme – or STEP – is aimed at people who find it difficult to get out and about. The exercises can be done in just five minutes from the comfort of an individual’s chair, and people should aim to complete them twice a day.

To promote and explain the programme, Sirona has produced three animations. One demonstrates the exercises, one explains the aims of the programme to older people who may be at risk of falling, and one is aimed at healthcare professionals to help people perform the exercises.

View the videos and leaflets explaining the exercises and further information

For further information email sirona.specialistfallsservice@nhs.net