Reading Well collections at your local library

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North Somerset Libraries have books available to help you understand and manage your health and wellbeing. These include four ‘Reading Well’ collections:

  • Reading Well for mental health includes books to help adults understand and manage common mental health conditions
  • Reading Well for young people has books to help teenagers understand their emotions, deal with difficult times, and boost confidence
  • Reading Well for children has books at a range of reading levels to help children 7-11 understand their feelings and deal with worries
  • Reading Well for dementia has books to help people living with dementia, and their friends, family, and carers

Reading Well books have been recommended by health experts, as well as people with lived experience of the conditions covered and their relatives and carers. The books include personal stories and self-help techniques. The full booklists are available at or in libraries.

Titles in each Reading Well collection are shelved together in the relevant area of the library (adult health, young adult, children’s). They have a round Reading Well sticker on the front. You can be recommended a Reading Well title by a health professional to support treatment, or you can visit your local library and take a book out yourself. If the title you want is not on the shelf it can be reserved for free – ask library staff or visit

All books can be checked out confidentially through library self-service machines. Items can be renewed if not required by another borrower. Reading Well titles have a longer six-week loan period and no overdue charges.

Many of the Reading Well titles are also available to borrow as eBooks on the BorrowBox website and app.